The Nest for Mindful Parents

The Burden of Joy

Merrily Medina

The Nest Podcast is bite-sized and easily consumed and is full of actionable advice for moms. It is accompanied by Merrily's newsletter, designed for mindful and compassionate parents, wishing to empower their children to leave the nest successfully, while not losing sight of their own dreams and true selves.  Subscribe here, and receive a free downloadable e-book, Four Pillars of Mindful Parenting.

Merrily is an educator, mother of three, and personal coach. For more on her story, and to learn more about ways to work with her, click here.

In this episode, Merrily dives into the burden of joy most moms feel during the holidays. She offers simple steps to make this season more joyful, by setting up boundaries and turning FOMO into JOMO...without the "missing out."